topic: 202201252134- Try Backward Walking alias: tags:#permanent-note url:

My writing (250-300 words)

It’s funny that we need a study to tell us what we knew as kids

It helps the body if you’re willing to be weird and move in weird ways. When you’re a kid- you try out all sorts of funny things. Hopping around. Walking silly. Floor is lava.

As adults, our movement is so simple. Literally straight-forward. We rarely go side to side, up and down, or backwards

Mix it up once in a while. Walk backwards, sideways or on your toes. It allows your body to try different things. It makes things slightly unpredictable.

A line from the study says: “Studies have shown that backward walking has a helpful effect on improving lower limb proprioception, gait synergy and improving limb balance”

In other words, it’s good for your balance and coordination. Which is great! I find that to be a very overlooked part of physical training

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