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My writing (250-300 words)

Fitness ‘Porn’ and Unrealistic Expectations

A lot of fitness content out there is like porn. It shows you people with perfect bodies doing things that are nothing like real life.


I’ll lose 10 pounds in one week?

I’ll learn to do 10 pull ups in 10 days?

I’ll get to run a marathon in one month?

Get real.

I get it. We want quick results. It’s attractive and it sells. This is why so much fitness content online is packaged this way. But just like pornography gives the wrong idea about sex- ‘fitness porn’ gives us the wrong idea about what it actually takes to get healthy.

Instead of quick fitness tricks, here are my suggestions for real health.

Real health take time and consistency. And there’s nothing wrong with that. In fact, it frees you up to workout less, do enough, and focus on doing the things you really want to do.

Inspired by Productivity Porn By Anne-Laurie

Key Idea

See also

Detached from reality of how bodies really work

  1. Unrealistic expectations Like linear growth

  2. Unrealistic Results That it can happen fast

  3. Guru like personality That’s probably not the way to approach

Look for evidence based strategies

Look for a real coach Someone who understands

Someone who knows how real bodies move

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