Idea Name

Context / Source

The Peter Attia Drive #212 - The Neuroscience of Obesity | Stephan Guyenet, Ph.D.

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Key Idea

It’s not that the set point changed It just reacts to a different enviroment So if you alter the environment you have a better change of affected weight change

starvation response and you can see this on other diets as well. So I think there are things we can do to change the set point. However, that doesn’t mean that they are cured if they went back to their other diet, if they just went back to how they used to be eating. So they’re not maintaining this attempt for weight reduction anymore, they generally will go back to where they were. So it’s not that there’s a durable resetting of the set point to like flipping a switch and resetting like restarting your computer. It’s more like the set point has been modified because it’s in a different environment. And as long as you maintain that change, you can maintain the effect.

See also

Environmental Factors Environmental reevaluation (concept)