In the midst of political promises and the one-year anniversary of Marcos Jr.’s reign in the Philippines, a notable story emerged, shedding light on the unfulfilled pledge of bringing cheaper rice to Filipino citizens. The promise had been a significant part of the political campaign.

What makes this story particularly noteworthy is the work of independent journalist Michael, who dedicated himself to uncovering the truth. Michael’s investigative efforts brought him into contact with many farmers, allowing him to gather firsthand accounts and insights.

In an era where journalism is undergoing transformation, independent journalists like Michael continue to be vital contributors to society. They bring transparency, accountability, and truth to the forefront of public discourse. Michael’s dedication to reporting on issues that matter to the Filipino people serves as a reminder of the power of independent journalism.

This note not only recognizes the importance of Michael’s work but also underscores the value of independent journalism in ensuring that promises made by politicians are scrutinized and held to account. It’s a testament to the role that journalists play in keeping society informed and engaged.

Here is Michael’s Article: The New Humanitarian | Filipino farmers’ profits disappear, and hunger looms

And here is Michael’s Profile: The New Humanitarian | Michael Beltran

Read more at: Farming While Hungry - Thin Ink

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