We always resist change (concept)
Whenever we try to make a new change. We always find that it’s the hardest thing in the world to do. Change is hard. And you’re right it is!
That’s because our brain is actually wired to resist change. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Our brains are efficient little machines. and it creates grooves or paths in order to make things a bit easier. It likes things to be the same.
For example. Imagine if every time you went to do something routine. Like brush your teeth You had to focus intently and figure out exactly how to do it. You would never get anything done. And you would never be able to move on to other things.
So our brains are powerful learning machines. That make grooves to ease our activity.
Unlearning and changing is just like learning
Anytime you learn a new skill. You have to take a lot of mental effort to figure out how exactly you’re going to do that. But somehow we don’t think changing behavior is just as hard.
It’s like how learning to play the piano for the first time. Is just as hard as changing a habit.
It’s like how learning to speak Mandarin for the first time. Is just as hard as changing your language habits.
When you’re trying to change a habit. This isn’t easy! Your brain is actually going to fight you in your efforts to change.
That’s okay. This means that you shouldn’t really fight it head on.
Maybe you can trick it instead. How can you work around your brain. In order to get it to do what you want it to do.
Strategies and tricks to hacking your brain
Neuroscience insights.
Anchor it to something
If you link it to something you do well. Then it will be greased a bit (Your brain wants to do one thing)
make it too small to fail.
You’ve heard that term too big to fail. That just means that means something is so big and important. You have to make sure it works. But if the stakes are too high at the start. Then it’ll be too overwhelming and too stressful Someday you may be able to perform when the stakes are high but for now, keep it simple.
It’s like walking on a tightrope Penn and Teller tightrope analogy it’s the same trick 2 feet up as it is 50 feet up.
You’ve just made the stakes much much higher But if you get good low. You can trust that your skill (physical) is in place and now it’s just a matter of your mind. And getting that to do it’s job
Get an accountability partner
Or a coach
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