topic: 202112181551- Let yourself mix it up alias: tags:#permanent-note url:

My writing (250-300 words)

It’s always a good idea to mix things up once in a while

It doesn’t have to be a rapid 180 shift. But there is always value in novelty. Our brains love and always seek out new and interesting things. So when you’re moving, find ways to keep it interesting for you.

I’m not saying you should abandon your main workout and goals

But don’t underestimate the value of fun in your training

In my case, I’m more likely to stick to my workouts if I’m actually enjoying myself. When things start to feel like a grind, that’s when I know it’s time to cycle things out. It’s not that I leave my workout completely behind. I just change a bit

It’s okay to move differently, and enjoy yourself when you move

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