We often measure the price of success in terms of financial investment, time, or energy. However, there’s a subtler currency at play: the richness of life experiences, relationships, and well-being. When we say ‘yes’ to a pursuit, we’re implicitly saying ‘no’ to something else—often things that don’t have a price tag but are invaluable nonetheless.

Key Questions to Ponder:

  • What am I willing to trade off for success? Is it time with family, personal well-being, or perhaps even peace of mind?
  • How can I be honest with myself about these trade-offs to avoid the trap of the sunk cost fallacy?
  • What does being “rich in other areas” mean to me? How can I incorporate this richness into my definition of success?

This concept is akin to the economic principle of opportunity cost, but it extends beyond mere financials. It’s about the richness of life that can’t be quantified but can certainly be felt. Understanding this can help us approach new ventures with a more holistic sense of what we’re willing to “pay.”

Read more at: The Real Price of Success | The Curiosity Chronicle

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