My writing (250-300 words)

I used to be a philosophy and theology lecturer at a university. Now I’m a professional health coach that focuses on lifelong health goals. It’s completely out of left field. What do philosophy and theology have to do with fitness and health? Why would I switch from one to the other?

On top of that, I feel completely left behind. When I left academia behind, suddenly I was behind everybody. My fellow lecturers were getting PhDs and becoming professors. Meanwhile coaches in fitness with years of experience were way ahead of me in the game. What was I even thinking leaving one career for another.

One thing that has helped me stay focused in my north star. I got married in 2020 and we want to live a life where we are present and supportive of one another. The idea of going to an office all day, and then coming home to spend a few hours with my family seems like something I don’t want to do.

And if it’s possible in any way to make that life happen, that’s what I would like to focus on. I was deeply influenced by Nathan Barry’s ladders of wealth creation.

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