topic: 202111281948- Dunning Kruger alias: tags:#permanent-note#on/knowledge#learning#imposter-syndrome

My writing (250-300 words)

The more I know, the more I feel like I don’t know

I didn’t study biomechanics, or sports science, or physical therapy. I don’t actually have any degrees that apply to coaching fitness.

I’m constantly hounded by this feeling that I’m not ‘qualified enough’ to be a coach- and that I’m just faking it. The imposter syndrome is very real.

I’m taking my advice this week from the book Think Again by Adam Grant. He talks about how in a world where think we ought to have all the answers, being able to admit you were wrong, change your mind and learn is a super power.

So this week, I’m reminding myself that even experts don’t have all the answer. In fact anyone who claims to know it all, is probably on the wrong side of the spectrum.

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