As humans, we’re not good at making tradeoffs. We’re tired, but we also want to sleep less than 8 hours. We want to be thin, but we also want to eat Oreos. We want to save money, but we also want to go out drinking.

Note: The problem is that we want to have it all. To me, this is also a spiritual problem at heart. A healthy acceptance of our constraints and how we can work within them

But we don’t want that to be the answer. We want to throw back our venti lattes and watch late night TV in bed and live an 18-20 hour day, so we look for magical sleep aids, stimulants, and other silver bullets to compress our comatose period from 8 hours to 6 or 4.

Note: Looking for silver bullets and quick fixes is really a part of human nature. I see myself doing this also in business- trying to find fast ways to grow and succeed.

we have to recognize that at root sleeping is a very simple and easy thing. It’s our environments that make it difficult, not some aspect of sleep.

Note: I agree with this- that’s why I think of sleep as a design problem

Read more at: Site Unreachable

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