Food policy is not something American presidents have had to give much thought to, at least since the Nixon administration

Note: This is a great (very long) article on food systems and how it should be thought of on a national scale

That’s interesting because I do think feeding our society cannot be a grassroots thing. You need strong powerful concerted efforts to get rid of old and detrimental systems. While the work of individual farmers can be quite beautiful, if you’re going to feed a nation, and alleviate poverty, hunger, and suffering, you need to coordinate these efforts

Easy to do? Hardly

Important? Very

That reminds me of The shock to food systems and The real price of food

It’s similar because I think people really don’t appreciate where their food comes from. they just think it magically appears out of nowhere a lot like the Society of the Spectacle

It’s different because there are spiritual aspects to it, political aspects to it, and biological, logistical aspects to it. At the end of the day there are many approaches

It’s important because if you understand how the food system is connected, then you can manage your food waste well, ultimately be a better person

Read more at: Farmer in Chief - Michael Pollan Michael Pollan by Michael Pollan

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