You can’t fight reality

These are Gravity Problems

Gravity problems are things that are outside of your control.

Analogy / Story

In the book Designing your life The others tell a funny hypothetical anecdote about a person complaining about gravity.

This person sits down with their friend at coffee. And then says. “I don’t know what to do about gravity”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean it’s everywhere and it’s taking over my life” “Every time I climb stairs or bike up a hill, I can feel it weighing me down”



The example is meant to be silly on purpose. It doesn’t make sense to complain about gravity. Because unless you can escape earth, and live on the moon or on mars. Then you’re never going to get away from the gravity ‘problem’

It’s an example of something that is 100% completely out of your control And it makes absolutely no sense to complain about something like that.

You should be focusing instead of things that are in your control. I cannot get ride of gravity but I can buy a lighter backpack That kind of framing


It’s in the anonymous programs. The whole wisdom there is that there are things that are outside of our control.

The stoics too touch on this idea.

But it applies to everyone and it applies to fitness also.

In fitness

You’ll find that as you look around you, there will be things that you can control and things that you cannot control.

I cannot (easily) control, where I live and who I live with Maybe those things I can try to change down the line. But not quickly and not easily

I can never control my genetics the way my body is going to react to certain stimuli my brain things that neuroscience knows to be true and that I cannot imagine myself to be the exception to

I can more easily control what are these things? Maybe your diet? Maybe the way you spend your time? Maybe the people you spend time with? Maybe what’s in your immediate environment


Being able to distinguish between these things is 80% of the battle If you are trying to control something that you cannot Then you’re wasting 100% of your effort

If you’re trying to control something that is hard to control It’s doable, but man it’s a lot of work and it’s not a very efficient approach It often leaves you feeling tired, stressed, frustrated

But if you focus on the things that are in your control. Then that’s a better way to work and you will feel and notice yourself making some improvement.

See also

John Mayer’s Gravity