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The Peter Attia Drive #212 - The Neuroscience of Obesity | Stephan Guyenet, Ph.D.

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Key Idea

eally concerned about the health impacts. You know, if we switch the focus to people who might just want to lose a few pounds or who are overweight where they’re not in a serious situation, your appetite and your body fatness are very much regulated by your brain based on inputs that your brain is receiving. And a lot of that is non conscious. The approach that I like to take is to try to give the non conscious brain signals that are going to be more consistent with your goals, signals that are going to tell your brain to regulate things in a more slimming direction. And that way you’re not relying on heavy exercise of willpower all the time, which I don’t think is really sustainable or effective for (

See also

Environmental Factors Environment is the key to making the change