Are there studies on that where hospitals sort of like take certain hospitals take sleep more seriously for their patients and therefore we could expect them to have better outcomes and get out quicker?

There have been hospitals, thankfully, who have taken sleep more seriously and only interrupt the patient when it’s critical for their life. I don’t know of, and it would be good to get back to you on that one, of any studies to see whether or not the patients do better. I would imagine for sure if someone did study it, they would find that to be the case.

One thing that has been studied, though, is whether hospitals take more seriously the sleep of their physicians and nurses and staff. If the schedule of the hospital allows for physicians and nurses and staff

Listen to the excerpt here: Sleep in Hospitals and Patient Outcomes | 50sec snip from The Knowledge Project with Shane Parrish

Full Episode is here: #167 Dr. Gina Poe: The Science of Better Sleep

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