Having an open mind and being receptive to diverse perspectives is a valuable skill in today’s world. It is easy to get stuck in our own echo chambers and become blind to other viewpoints.

By seeking out opposing views, we can broaden our understanding of a topic and develop a more nuanced perspective.

A very practical way to do this? Try Google searching the opposite of a position that you find convincing.

In the linked article, the author finds Gordon Neufeld’s attachment theory convincing, So he goes on to Google:

  • “Gordon Neufeld attachment theory unscientific”,
  • “Gordon Neufeld attachment theory debunked”,
  • “Gordon Neufeld attachment theory incorrect”,
  • “Gordon Neufeld attachment theory wrong”.

Just remember that not all opposiing views are created equal, and on the internet it’s not hard to find dissenting (but poorly researched) views

Seeking out views from reputable sources with well-reasoned arguments is much more valuable than listening to unsupported claims or opinions based on misinformation.

Additionally, it is important to approach opposing views with an open mind and a willingness to consider their arguments. Only then can we truly challenge our thinking and grow as individuals.

Read more at: Google The Opposite: Try This Strategy To Avoid Confirmation Bias And Become More Objective In Your Thinking

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