My writing (250-300 words)

So how can I move more in my day?

To start, we can divide up our day into 5 categories. I’m borrowing an idea from the biomechanist Katy Bowman, who has this handy acronym: S.L.O.T.H or sloth (It’s funny related to health)

What is Sloth? S - Sleep L - Liesure O - Occupation (work) T - Transportation H - Home

Linking this back to exercise, movement, and physical activity- notice that whenever we exercise, it always takes place during our liesure time.

And these days we already have so little liesure time. And usually people would rather do other things with that little free time they have. Exercising more is not on their priority.

So you don’t want to take up liesure time. And sleep is out of the question- I don’t think you want to be moving more in your sleep.

That leaves us with OTH- Occupation, Transportation, and Home

Now we have a better question, instead of “How can I exercise more?” I can ask, “How can I move more at work, when I’m in transit, and when I’m at home?”

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Movement over exercise Technology is a movement saver


Move Your DNA with Katy Bowman Ep 132: How Movement Fits Into Intentional Aging
