There’s an unspoken truth in the journey of self-improvement and business growth: the idea that you’ve got to love the process more than the outcome. We often find ourselves setting up goals as finish lines, but the reality is, reaching a goal simply shifts the goalpost further down the field. Instead of asking, “When will I get there?” maybe the better question is, “Am I getting better each day?”

In the context of my coaching practice, I recognize the need to focus on systems, whether it’s improving client interactions, streamlining the sales process, or enhancing the quality of my programs. Call by call, rep by rep, we get closer to mastery. Sometimes, I find it exhausting but there’s a strange satisfaction in doing the work, day in and day out. It’s not about the end game; it’s about the game itself.

This ethos reminds me of the principle of hormesis in stress management. Just as low doses of stress can induce a healthy adaptation, the daily grind—when approached with the right mindset—can yield incremental yet significant gains.

So, let’s not get lost in the cycle of constantly chasing ‘there’. After all, once you get ‘there’, you’ll realize it’s the new ‘here’. What truly matters is the meaningful progress you make along the way, because “getting there” is a moving target but getting better is the real game.

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