I’ve edited 1000’s of articles over the past 5 years. And it’s always the same fixable mistakes I’m correcting:

  1. No USP Successful products and services offer a unique selling point. So why would successful articles be different? Whether it’s a unique angle, point, experience, style or tone, your article needs to offer something that others don’t. Else, it gets lost in the crowd.

  2. Not adding credibility The world is full of articles by people without the authority to write them. You know, those who made $10 on UpWork and then write the ‘how to make money on Upwork’… If you have credibility, get it up top. It tells the reader you know your shit.

  3. No opening hook Many writers skip the intro, believing “readers want the main points so I won’t waste their time.” Wrong. The intro is a great tool to grab a reader’s attention. Use a bold statement, relatable experience, or data points that make the reader go “oh, wow.”

  4. Bigger isn’t better Often, writers think big words and convoluted sentences means ‘smart’ writing. It’s the opposite and typically makes your work harder to read. And when you make it hard for the reader, they won’t be reading much longer. Simple is best.

75 Confusing structure A story without direction gets lost quick. The best writing takes the reader on a clear journey, with a defined beginning, middle and end, and a defined result. Tip: Map this out before you begin writing. You need to be clear of the path too.

  1. Overformatting Bold, italics, lists and pull quotes are fun. But, overdo it and your writing becomes a visual mess. Zoom out your screen, and view your writing from afar - you’ll notice immediately if it’s too noisy. If in doubt, tone it down.