up:: Healthcare MOC X:: Fitness coaches should be part of the healthcare system tags::#on/healthcare#coaching#on/systems novelty:: 3

url: America Is Choosing to Stay Vulnerable to Pandemics - The Atlantic The Pandemic’s Legacy Is Already Clear

Key Ideas

According to this ethos, people are responsible for their own well-being, physical and moral strength are equated, social vulnerability results from personal weakness rather than policy failure, and handouts or advice from the government are unwelcome.

Note: and thus individualism fails in global crisis

That’s interesting because I blame protestantism! I always do. Assigning a moral value to ones success is something I feel very strongly against. It’s like if you fail you are a bad person, when this is the farthest thing from the truth. In actuality, it’s more about having strong systems

That reminds me The Jenga Approach to Health and of No you’re not lazy- life is really hard because they both think of health from a systems perspective. Whether it’s your personal systems or your societal systems. Either way. The goal is to live a healthy happy life that doesn’t rely on you using your willpower to get through being healthy.

It’s similar because systems is the key to health! Whether personal or societal

It’s different because, somehow even in health we prescribe failure to the moral individual level, and that is quite problematic. If someone is failing in their health, I think it’s because society has failed them somehow.

It’s important because if we are to be truly healthy, we are going to need to take this kind of more holistic approach to being healthy along the way.