Today no one can make a decision without consulting data.

Three major trends have led us to where we are today:

  • dramatic improvements in technology, 
  • the over reliance on reason, and 
  • the ever-increasing pool of choices.

Science may give us a logical answer, but we have to use our intuition to weigh it against the reality of our world.

I find this interesteing because many people are still afraid to trust they’re intuition.

I think it comes from fear of failure and the desire for certainty. We want to be 100% sure we are making the right decision.

But no system of knowledge is perfect, and it’s important to practice Knowing the pros and cons of data

My concern is that reliance data seems to be a way to renounce responsibility.

I like to tell on myself, that when I drive I’ll ALWAYS rely on Waze, or Google Maps. And not because it’s the most efficient route— many times it isn’t, and a smart driver familiar with the local area could do better.

But I like to follow what the technology says because I don’t have to take responsibility for the outcome. If we’re late or delayed, it’s Google’s fault.

If I outsource my decision making, I can say it’s not my fault. I never make a mistake

But it’s important to know how to balance these two things.

There is a tension between:

“What is not measured is not managed”


“When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure.” aka Goodhart’s Law (mental models)

Read more at: Data is Killing Our Intuition

Go one level up : Thinking MOC

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