
Giving me copywriting tips

The fitness methodology is the HOW you solve the problem. In copywriting terms, it is the FEATURES.

Your target audience, your customer, is likely not the educated fitness consumer, or a fit pro.

And you know from copywriting that we don’t emphasise FEATURES in the copy. We emphasise BENEFITS. Talking about the HOW isn’t so important for your target audience.

Your target audience has a PROBLEM. In your messaging, you need to demonstrate that you understand their problem (EMPATHY) and that you know how to solve it (AUTHORITY)

When you describe the type of person you work with, and the problems they solve in detail (AGITATE), people will read it and think “Hey, it’s as if he’s speaking to me!”

PROBLEM AGITATE SOLUTION A common copywriting framework

So just based off what you’ve told me

slow and steady > helping you adopt the right mindset > not guilting you into health

What kind of person would that appeal to? Someone who is overwhelmed, feels guilty that they’ve not been exercising or eating in a way that supports them, maybe has a poor relationship with exercise, and maybe doesn’t have a lot of free time.

So you can start to create small pieces of copy around the microproblems they face in everyday life

The more specific the better.

For example, instead of saying “Are you fat? Join my fitness program!”

You might say “Do you hate going shopping for jeans, because nothing seems to fit right? The lighting in the changing room makes you look bloated. You leave feeling fat, self-conscious and without making a purchase.” roll into CTA

Or you can create story around that that same concept, maybe with a current client.

“Janine used to hate going shopping for jeans, because nothing seems to fit right. The lighting in the changing room made her feel fat and bloated. She would leave the store feeling sad, self-conscious, and without making a purchase. Since Janine started with Javier’s Go Slow fitness community, she reduced her waistline by 10cm. Now clothes fit her better, and she loves shopping again because she has plenty of options! If you’ve been having a miserable time when out shopping, click this link and book a 20 min introductory call with Javier today. [link]” Add an image of Janine smiling and happy to extend the story to the visual piece for additional effectiveness, and you’ve got a content piece that will resonate with your target audience.

The above example is for a fat loss audience. It targets an exterior motivation (appearance) but goes deeper into the way it makes them feel (interior).

You could take it down another level (philosophical) by using galvanising phrases like “No one should have to feel…” but for the most part addressing interior and exterior is plenty to get started with.

Okay, that was a lot. In summary: - Speak to the type of person you serve - Tell people what they will get, not how you do it - Problem Agitate Solution > CTA - Demonstrate empathy and authority - You can use things you’ve heard from existing clients as case studies - what the problem was and how you solved it for them