To Predict Chronic Pain Look at the Brain


Many people experience a lot of chronic pain. It’s frustrating because it’s invisible pain too

Some facts

Pain rarely correlates with MRI or posture

Most people get over acute pain after a few days. Some people can develop chronic pain

some quotes

“Taken together, these ideas can be simplified as a lowered mesolimbic threshold for the conscious perception of pain, which functionally renders the brain addicted to pain. (Baliki 2015)”

“It is therefore not surprising that these conditions are often comorbid, and indeed, there is now a small but emerging literature regarding the interaction between negative moods and acute and chronic pain. (Baliki 2015).""


As an anxious person (and an addict) I may be more susceptible to chornic pain


A Paper called Title: Predicting transition to chronic pain by: A. Vania Apkarian, Marwan N. Baliki, and Melissa A. Farmer