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The Knowledge Project with Shane Parrish #141 Kunal Shah: Core Human Motivations

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i think about this a lot. The global system how it makes the world the same So everyone is talking about the same youtube videos or netflix shows

It’s very flat

This transient sources and therefore I believe that the world has become this Superconductor where one meme goes to hundreds of millions of people quickly. Information gossip, uh fake videos of content about johnny Depp’s divorce. Like it’s spreading so quickly and and all of that and there’s nobody no interest in going to nuances and going into these things because you have to be connected to this global thing of being connected to the narrative. And I go for dinner and people talk about it. I need to not look like an idiot who’s not knowing the common topic and therefore Things like Netflix or YouTube are just making the world one at the levels we cannot imagine because people are trying to be relevant in the

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