What does it mean to be physically wealthy?

Just like how the money lets you have the experiences (or things) you want to have Health wealth lets you move the way you want to move

So when I say “I wish I could surf, But I don’t know if my body can do that.” Then you lack health wealth

When you’re old or when you have an accident, It drains your wealth so much!

Taking it back to the compounding effect, you make small investments in your health ike walking; moving, doing a little bit each day. And then you see how that compounds and has big effects in time

Just like there is the fantasy of winning the lottery, there’s a fantasy of some magic super pill. Or surgery that will solve all your health issues. Something that would make me magically strong and fit. (a lot of buzz now about Ozempic)

But that is even less likely that inheriting a large sum of money or winning the lottery

Just do that little bit of work every day and then trust in the compounding effect

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