Here’s the quote from Rick Rubin: “The confidence that I have in my taste and my ability to express what I feel has proven helpful for artists.” (View Highlight)

That’s interesting because here’s someone who is so confident in what he does that he doesn’t need to validate his ideas all the time. Or maybe he does.

But he’s not insecure in himself. He’s not thinking about whether someone else approves or not, he trusts his own taste, and that intuition is so powerful

That reminds me You don’t need research for knowledge

It’s similar because for so many people in this data driven age, they always need data to make decisions, and they lose the ability to check in with their intuitions.

It’s different because you can’t always trust your intuition (or can you???) i feel like I can’t. That’s why I Use Data to Debunk Your Intuitions. Because you don’t really know what you don’t know

It’s important because I think intuition, and intuitive movement is the goal. But sometimes you still do need another eye.

Read more at: The Meditations of Vinyl Jesus - Napkin Math - Every

Go one level up : Thinking MOC You may also be interested in: Data has killed our intuition