Availability bias (mental model)


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Key ideas:

If I believed everything I saw on instagram, I’d be convinced that every person in the world is some freakishly amazing athlete who can do all sorts of amazing calisthenic tricks.

It’s what I see, so I think that everyone is some freak of nature athlete.

But this preys onto the availability bias.

What is the availability bias

The availability bias says that if something is immediately availalbe (or visible) to you, then you end up thinking that it’s available to everyone. Or prevalent for everyone.

If I see something in the grocery store. And I try it and I like. I ask why no one else has tried this. Or I assume that everyone knows about it.

I feel like the same things goes for video games, movies, and popular culture. Just because I see it, I assume that everyone else has access to it, and has seen it as well.

In fitness

It’s the same type of content all the time online. So we assume that the “way to be fit” is just based upon those few things that we see, and that there are no other options available for me.

In other words, the only options available, are these ones that I see online. And that’s fair. How would you know, that you do not know something, if you do not know that thing already.

Explore Alternatives

The solution is to get out there. Find different platforms Try something new Get out of your comfort zone a little.

Because there are so many possibilities. And it’s not that there’s 1-2-3 or 4 ways of doing things There are so many ways of getting things done. There are so many ways of being fit.

I want other options.

So you feel like all fitness people are like the ones you see on instagram But so many people including me We’re just trying to be average we aren’t trying to do super fit crazy things. We’re just trying to be okay. There’s nothing wrong with being average In fact you’re probably below average. And that’s okay. Assume You’re below average

But then, what are the options for average people? What is the average workout? For those people who feel like they can’t really get to 100% They just want to do something that’s good enough and then get on with their days and their lives

A counter to the availability bias

Find more options. See what works for other people Try something new (you don’t have to like it) Get on different platforms. Talk to someone different.

Join someone else’s workout.

Fitforlife’s offering

Here at fitforlife We want to provide that alternative. We’re not here to have hardcore workouts. We’re here because we’re average And that’s okay. ((I wonder if being average is a core principle for me)) You’re average and that’s okay

Because if you’re okay with being average in fitness, then you can choose to be awesome at the things that really matter to you (Travel, being a good husband or father)

This website is for average folk (I wonder if this marketing is good) — it’s certainly counter cultural and that can be attractive (But is it money making?) Anyway

How to be average

Understand what’s enough Understand what’s too much Play around in between Get a sense of what your minimums are. Push a little bit at a time Be consistent- always show up Be flexible - show up but be flexible Paradox of consistency and flexibility The Paradox of doing Less to be More Consistent