Idea Name

Context / Source

Stop Practicing Strategic Ambiguity and Get to the Answer

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Key Idea

When we practice strategic ambiguity, we are avoiding this temporary pain in favor of comfort at the moment. But when we finally turn on the light, it changes everything. As uncomfortable as it can be, it shows us the way forward.

Start by asking yourself these questions:

  • What is one area of my life where I have practiced strategic ambiguity?
  • Why have I allowed myself to avoid clarity in this area?
  • What is holding me back from confronting the problem?
  • Who can give me the truth about the situation?
  • What are three questions I need to ask them to gain clarity?
  • Once I have the answer, what will I need to do next?
  • What will the timeline look like for clearing up the problem?

See also

A Compass and a Map