up:: Health MOC X:: hawthorne effect tags::#on/accountability#habits novelty::


Key Ideas

Hold yourself accountable by tracking your progress every day, even if you have bad days or cheat. Stare at the weight gains and remind yourself of what you did on those days because you tracked it. Do not stop tracking, as the habit of tracking is the key to success. The goal is to track, not just to lose weight. Because if the goal is to lose weight, it can be hard to be perfectly linear, but if the goal is to track, then you’re making progress no matter what. Step on the scale every day and own it.

That’s interesting because you have to measure something. And though people say you shouldn’t just rely on the scale, if your weight is the metric you care about (for now) then you should 100% track it

That reminds me of the quote, “what is not measured is not managed” it’s almost important to balance these things. It’s similar because if we want to make progress we do need some real numbers there to really put it into perspecdtive

It’s different because sometimes, we can get caught up in the measuring. See How to balance measureables and actual healthcare and The problem with tracking and wearables It’s important because As data becomes more and more prevalent. Some of these human elements are going to become really important!