In the pursuit of goals, whether personal or professional, it’s easy to oscillate between extremes: the “drill sergeant” who is overly critical and the “Zen master” who is too laissez-faire. The key to sustainable progress lies in adopting a “builder mindset.” This mindset is not just about constructing something new but also about understanding the foundational ‘why’ behind each action.

To maintain this balance, especially for those who naturally lean towards a more relaxed approach, it’s crucial to continually interrogate your ‘why.’ Start with the immediate reason and keep asking “why do I care about that?” until you reach the core motivation. This exercise serves as a compass, ensuring that you’re aligned with your deepest values and objectives, thereby enabling you to operate optimally in “builder mode.”

This is not just a mental exercise but a tool for recalibration. It helps you to avoid complacency and ensures that you’re not just building for the sake of building, but for a purpose that deeply resonates with you.

Read more at: How Builders Think

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