up:: Health MOC X:: Food is your best medicine by Eugene Schwartz tags::#food#health novelty::

url: Issue No. 183: Food as Medicine | Fitt Insider

Key Ideas


Taking a holistic approach, the food-as-medicine movement views nutrition as integral to well-being. A step further, in the healthcare realm, personalized or medically tailored meals are used to prevent, manage, and treat illness.

But, whether it’s a lack of knowledge, willpower, or access, our unhealthy habits persist.

  • 46% of US adults and 56% of children have a poor-quality diet.
  • Healthy “prescribed” foods could save over $100B in healthcare costs.
  • 85% of US healthcare spending stems from diet-related chronic diseases.

That’s interesting because

That reminds me It’s similar because It’s different because It’s important because