The “10x price” question is a powerful thought experiment that forces us to reimagine the way we provide value through our products or services. The idea is, if you had to increase your prices by 10x, how would that force a reevaluation of everything from your brand identity to your website design?

Key questions to ponder:

  • What elements would need to change to make the 10x price feel justified?
  • How does this higher price point shift the brand’s positioning in the market?

Wow, this makes me reflect on how I could continuously elevate the value I offer. It’s not just about justifying the price increase; it’s about stepping up every aspect of the business. From how the product is designed to the brand messaging, every detail becomes part of this high-value equation.

The exercise is a way to break free from conventional pricing models and challenge you to think in terms of value, not just cost. It encourages a holistic approach to business development, where each element complements the other to justify the new price tag.

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