topic: 202203181107 - The process of a user manual alias: tags:#permanent-note#on/user-manual#process url:

My writing (250-300 words)

I wonder if I can make observations for each day.

And then promote 1-2 to my observation for the week.

The at the end of the month? Weeks I’ll have some observations to look at

Observation for the month

So I’ll have 52 observations for the week

And then 12 observation for the month.

I find this to be incredibly challenging, and hard to do systematically.

For now, I’m going to try structuring it with:

What kind of movement did you do today? (Be generous)

What’s feels good in your body today?

What feels meh in your body today? (Just observe don’t judge)

But the idea is that I have to incorporate a bit of a reflection process into my practice. I can’t just do things randomly.

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