Reflect: How confident are you that your current approach to fitness will enable you to achieve your goals/intentions? How do you think exercise might feel different if you cultivated more confidence?

Experiment: Pick one arena in your own exercise to play with specificity and progressive overload. It can be as simple as doing one set of max push-ups per day or as intense as exploring how far you can run/bike/row in a set time. Do this for a few weeks and see what happens.

Experience: Bring awareness to how it feels as you start to progress in this one area. Notice if it increases your confidence about fitness more broadly.

That’s interesting because there’s so much talk on all the benefits of exercise. But in reality it could just be that you gain so much from it. Apart from literally being healthy. It can make you a stronger, more confident person. And there’s a lot of intangible benefits that come from that also.

That reminds me What to do if you’re afraid to exercise again

It’s similar because there’s a catch 22 here. Which is that you need to have some confidence in order to exercise again. So exercise makes you confident, but you also need to be confident to exercise

It’s different because there’s different kinds of skills that you can apply to the different areas of your life.

It’s important because it doesn’t matter where you build your confidence. You just have to build it somewhere.

Read more at: Cultivating Confidence - by Sam Sager - Intuitive Fitness

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