topic: 202112141558- Do the little things alias: tags:#permanent-note

My writing (250-300 words)

There are little things that go a long way

For example: When you put on your seatbelt when you go for a drive- it’s a short 5 second action that have outsized benefits. We tend to prefer big, grand, and visible gestures. It feels like a big sign that we care about our health.

But it’s the small things that make big changes.

What are the small decisions?

Things like drinking water. Going to bed at the same time every day. Eating whole unprocessed foods. Little things like walking instead of taking the elevator. Choosing the be on the move as much as you can.

If something feels like ‘it’s so small it doesn’t even matter,’ it’s probably a little thing that can go a long way!

So when I say to myself: “That 5 minute walk isn’t really doing anything for my health” It’s probably is more important that I actually realize

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