And I looking at the literature, I think being at or above the 75th percentile for lean mass is a better place to be. So that’s where I’d like to be in a year, two years, three years.

But I also want it to matter. You know, I want to be stronger. I want to be able to do stuff when I get older. I don’t just want to get bigger. I want to be able to never enter a competition. I’m not here to enter the strong man competition.

But like I never want to hurt. I want to be able to chop wood in my backyard. I want to be able to carry stuff around. I want to be able to travel with a backpack on

I could be up to going to the gym like three days a week an hour at a time.

Three days total. Okay. Cool. So you’ve basically described every one of our executive clients and our rapid health optimization program. So I can nail this one, obviously at most of my career with professional athletes, but we deal with this problem all the time and rapid.

There’s a term here that’s awesome!


That’s interesting because everyone wants to get healthy like this.

From Peter Attia’s podcast, it makes me think about CEOs and executives who want to rapidly improve their health

That reminds me of The top 5 activities that will get you staying active into old age

It’s similar because It’s Never Too late to get healthy

And you’d be surprised how much you can turn it around.

Not in 1 month, or 2 months, but in 2-3 years.

You can make a really big difference

It’s different because because people have some really crazy expectations about what it means to get healthy

It’s important because we all want to be healthy. But people think it’s not really impossible. It just takes work

Read more at: #239 ‒ The science of strength, muscle, and training for longevity | Andy Galpin, Ph.D. (PART I)

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