topic: 202201172055- What workouts have worked out alias: tags:#permanent-note url:
My writing (250-300 words)
Look into the ways you’ve moved and exercised before.
Are there things you used to do that you really liked? Are there things that have worked for you in the past? Why did you do them? You might not have to do it again exactly as it was- but maybe there was some element in them that you liked
What was the commonality in the workouts and movements that you enjoyed?
I think we do this instinctively with food. When we look at our favorite foods, they seem to have a certain thing in common. Then we can say what we like. Can we do the same thing for movement?
What are the things that your favorite movements have in common?
- Is it an endurance element?
- Is it a social element?
- Is it a competitive element?
- Is it a contemplative element?
Continue to these notes (next)
How to do a movement inventory