We seem to have a political (public) imagination so shallow that it cannot conceive of what to even do with children, especially smart children. We fail to properly respect them all the way through adolescence, so we have engineered them to be useless in the interim

The act of creation causes imagination, not the other way around. To understand this is to understand the ecology that fosters the unique.

Agency is precious because the lucidities that purposeful work and responsibility bring are the real education. The secret of the world is that it is a very malleable place, we must be sure that people learn this, and never forget the order:

Learning is naturally the consequence of doing.

That’s interesting because it’s completely the opposite in education. We are told and trained to think and think and think before doing anything- but the truth is that success comes from being able to act fast, fail fast. Explore and be creative

At the heart of it is creativity. Allowing someone to be the genius they were meant to be.

That reminds me Unlearning how we were taught to behave

It’s similar because there are so many things from our education that we need to let go of and unlearn. For health it could be what does it mean to be healthy. what does it mean to be a happy person?

It’s different because There probably are sometimes when you need structure, and less agency. There must be times when you have to be told what to do. But that’s not always the best way to do it.

It’s important because understanding this tension and how to dance through and navigate it is the best way to explore being human

Read more at: The Most Precious Resource is Agency - by Simon Sarris

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