Fear is a constant companion in the creative process, not an obstacle to be completely eradicated. It’s akin to a shadow that follows you, regardless of how much light you shine on your work. The key isn’t to eliminate the fear but to get comfortable with it, to make it a part of your creative DNA.

Consider the journey from a handful of views to millions. The emotional landscape doesn’t shift as dramatically as the numbers do. You might think hitting a milestone will vanquish your fears, but in reality, the fear remains. It’s not about the numbers; it’s about the act of creating itself.

Here’s a question I often ponder: What’s worse, the fear of creating something that no one sees or the fear of not creating at all? The latter is a silent killer, eroding your potential day by day.

This is why practice is non-negotiable. It’s like hiking a trail you’ve never been on before. The first time, every rustle in the bushes makes you jump. But as you walk it again and again, you become familiar with the sounds, the terrain, and even your own internal rhythms of fear and excitement. You never stop being cautious, but you do stop being paralyzed.

Remember, if you’re not creating because you’re scared, you’re not getting used to the fear. You’re letting it win. So, the next time fear whispers in your ear, acknowledge it, thank it for its concern, and then proceed to do the work anyway. Because the work is where you grow, and growth is where you find your freedom.

This matters to me because I’ve felt the weight of this fear, and I know I’m not alone. Even seasoned professionals feel it. The difference is, they’ve made peace with it. And so can I, through consistent practice.

Read more at: How to Get Over the Fear of Creating Things

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