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The Peter Attia Drive #212 - The Neuroscience of Obesity | Stephan Guyenet, Ph.D.
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Key Idea
No diet is perfect So you might need to be open minded And focus on some areas that are overlooked
You see the same sort of equally stubborn ideology at the exact opposite end of the spectrum, where we see these patients that will go on these incredibly restrictive, plant based diets and it’s usually some combination of micronutrient deficiency and or protein deficiency, that’s going to be the death of them. But there’s no deviating from it, there’s no like I’m gonna supplement with protein shape, I’m gonna take the vitamins I’m going to do, and again, it’s the same sort of thing. It’s like somehow, if I acknowledge the fact that I need to supplement with these other things to work around the diet that I otherwise like, or that is congruent with a belief system I have around the treatment of animals, which I can respect, that if that’s
See also
Paradox of consistency and flexibility Adopt an experimenter’s mindset