In plain words: your body already knows what food it needs. It does that by making things look yummy and taste good to you. I find this idea wild.

I already know how to do this?!That’s not what I was expecting to hear. But what if it’s true? What if I already know how to eat well? What if my body is able to tell me what it needs?

I want to practice this more

My 1 Main Takeaway: Trust your cravings, within healthy options

The surprising tip for me from Mr. Wisdom of Taste was to choose from a charcuterie board.

It makes perfect sense.

What you have there is a pre-selected variety of food that is all good for you. And once you have that board, you don’t have to worry about trusting your cravings. You can eat what looks tastiest to you.

Next time I’m in the grocery store, I’ll skip the shelves and go straight to the Deli counter. Then I’ll choose based on what I’m hungry for.

Read more at: April: Nutritional intelligence media release | News and features | University of Bristol

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