The concept of creating a vision for your life is almost a cliché in self-development circles. But what about an “anti-vision”? This is a contrarian yet holistic approach to life planning that involves keen observation, reflection, and action. It’s akin to Seth Godin’s “Purple Cow” philosophy, where standing out isn’t just about being different but about being remarkably better in a way that matters.

  1. Observe Society as a Habit: Pay attention to the behaviors and choices of people around you. This isn’t about judgment but about discernment. What paths are people on that you decidedly do not want to follow?

  2. Reflect on Your Past: This is your data set for what not to do. What experiences have you had that you never want to repeat? Have you taken steps to ensure they don’t happen again?

  3. List What You Don’t Want: This is your “anti-vision board.” It should make you uncomfortable because discomfort is a catalyst for change.

  4. Project Your Current Path: If you keep doing what you’re doing, where will you end up? Is that a future you want?

  5. Transmute Energy into Vision: Use the energy from your anti-vision to fuel a more positive, passionate vision for your life. What skills and habits will you need to cultivate to ensure you don’t end up living your anti-vision?

The anti-vision is not about focusing on the negative but about using it as a springboard to leap into a more meaningful, fulfilling life. It’s a tool for those who find traditional vision-setting too abstract or not motivating enough.

Read more at: A Full Guide To Reinvent Your Life (In 6-12 Months) - Dan Koe

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