The prevailing wisdom often leans towards “niching down” when building a business or brand. However, there’s an intriguing counterargument: anchoring your journey around 2-3 core topics that align with your ultimate vision. This approach is much more than a mere compromise between generalization and specialization; it’s about honing multiple skills or interests that serve a greater purpose.

Choosing 2-3 core topics doesn’t confine you; it liberates you. It allows you to diversify your skill set and enrich your journey towards your end goal. Take for instance, someone whose ultimate aim is financial freedom. They could delve into e-commerce, study budgeting strategies, or even explore a digital nomad lifestyle with various side hustles. The choices aren’t mutually exclusive; they’re different paths leading to the same summit.

This got me questioning my own approach. Do I niche down to a single path, or embrace multiple avenues that align with my overall vision? Given my inclination for varied interests, I see merit in the latter. It’s like assembling a tool kit; why limit myself to a hammer when I could use a wrench and a screwdriver too?

Understanding your skills and interests as avenues to your ultimate vision, rather than impediments, could be a game-changing perspective. We’re often so focused on the means that we lose sight of the end, but integrating multiple skills or interests can make the journey not just feasible but also far more enriching.

Read more at: “Niche Down” Is Terrible Advice (For Smart People) - Dan Koe

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