So what DOES MATTER when it comes to finding ways to be more consistent?

Simple. Choosing to do something that not only matters to you but has a true consequence if it doesn’t get done! Something that erodes all excuses down to their root cause.

That’s interesting because we always talk about the idea of the why and the deep motivation Deep Health and all the factors but if we’re going to really get healthy, we can also tap into the loss aversion bit also. If something has really really painful consequences, you can be sure as hell you’re not going to let it happen.

As long as you don’t break down and stress out about it

That reminds me of Strategy tax (concept)

It’s similar because there are real consequences to the choices you make. And you have to be able to live with it.

It’s different because strategy tax seems more macro, or big picture, whereas this one is really more about your personal individual habits.

It’s important because the idea of consequences is important. It feels like we live in an age of no consequences, and that gets really hard for people to process.

Read more at: Brett Bartholomew - Unpopular Advice: What It Really Takes to Be More Consistent

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