Your brain is one of your most important organs, home to billions of neurons—it’s your body’s mission control. As you go through life, your body changes radically, and inside your head, your most complex organ is constantly transforming too. This is the life cycle of your brain.

Your brain starts to form about 2 weeks after conception, and from that point, it’s a journey of growth and development. At birth, it contains about 100 billion neurons, more than an adult, providing the foundation for a healthy brain.

In the early years, your brain is a bustling hub of neuron growth, allowing children to learn languages and skills rapidly. During childhood, connections are pruned, strengthening the remaining ones in a process known as neuroplasticity.

Teenagers experience significant changes in their brains, which may explain their mood swings and risk-taking behaviors. Puberty brings about increased activity in emotional centers, impacting social interactions.

As you age, your brain continues to change and adapt. Older adults can use both sides of the brain for short-term memory, and they become more resilient to negative emotions. Brain activity may even persist for minutes after death.

Aging is inevitable, so it’s crucial to start preparing for it early. Easier said than done, but so important.

Read more at: What happens to your brain as you age - YouTube

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