I think what many people really want from money is the ability to stop thinking about money. To have enough money that they can stop thinking about it and focus on other stuff. (View Highlight)

A lot of financial planners I’ve talked to say one of their biggest challenges is getting clients to spend money in retirement. Even an appropriate, conservative amount of money. Frugality and savings become such a big part of some people’s identity that they can’t ever switch gears. (View Highlight)

That’s interesting because I think about health also and how people think health is for its own sake. But you have to learn how to spend your health too.

So you have certain windows and opportunities. Both to spend your money and to move your body

Because at some point it just doesn’t really become possible anymore.

So for example, for me, I hike when I can. I want to work and farm because my body is able to do that now. It’s not a project that I can do when I retire. It’s something that I can do now, and so I should build my life around my ability to do so.

That reminds me of Financial wealth is just as important as physical health

It’s similar because it’s the same. People think as wealth and as health as ends in themselves when it’s really not.

It’s different because you don’t spend health in the same way. It doesn’t just disappear. But you can think of it in the context of the enjoyment. You are using your resources to have a good time

It’s important because we always miss our chances.

Read more at: The Art and Science of Spending Money · Collab Fund by Morgan Housel

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