topic: 202203181147- Health and Goal Network alias: tags:#permanent-note#on/goals#motivation url:

My writing (250-300 words)

There’s new evidence that you will follow through on your health goals more if you set it up as a ‘Goal Network’ Here’s how that works and what it looks like

I believe that S.M.A.R.T goals aren’t actually that great in the long run.

Sure they help you burst and get things done. But if you zoom out, and view your goals from a big picture, you can see how your goals connect to one another.

Imagine 3 levels of Goals: The Super-goal, the Intermediate-Goal, the Sub-Goal

Our goals fall into one of these 3:

  • If the super goal is “I want to be healthy”
  • The intermediate goals are “To be physically strong,” “To avoid stress,” and “To eat well”
  • Then sub-goals are “Exercise 15 minutes a day,” “Eat a handful of greens at dinner,” AKA your smart goals

See how your goals connect and expect it to be non-linear!

That’s because a sub-goal can link to more than 1 intermediate goal. And an intermediate goal can link to more than 1 super goal.

Because health is interconnected, you can expect one practice to benefit the others also. It’s not a simple IF-THIS-THEN-THAT. You can experience benefits in many areas at once with health practices.

And it helps to see it all laid out.

Seeing the network shows you different paths to work on your health

With your Goal Network, even when motivation is low, you can stay on track.

Because many Sub-Goals can get you to your Super-Goal. This lets you be flexible, and it helps you keep your long term big goals in mind all the time.

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