In our fast-paced lives, the conventional question often arises: “How do I make time for this?” However, a thought-provoking perspective challenges this notion. Instead of viewing time as an elusive and ever-fleeting resource, consider this: “How does doing what I need make time for everything else?”

This concept might seem counterintuitive at first glance, but when applied to exercise, it unveils a profound truth. For individuals like Javier, who value their health and well-being, exercise isn’t about carving out precious minutes from an already busy schedule. Rather, it’s a time investment that yields substantial returns.

By engaging in regular physical activity, such as hiking and maintaining a fitness regimen, Javier experiences time benefits that extend beyond the gym. The act of exercising not only contributes to his overall health but also enhances his productivity. When he dedicates time to exercise, he’s essentially “creating” time by boosting his energy levels, mental clarity, and focus.

This newfound vitality spills over into his work and daily activities, making him more efficient and effective. It’s as though exercise acts as a catalyst, amplifying the time he has available for other pursuits. In this way, the “time-expanding” power of exercise becomes evident.

Read more at: Energy makes time | everything changes

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