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The Peter Attia Drive #212 - The Neuroscience of Obesity | Stephan Guyenet, Ph.D.
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Key Idea
Hypothalamus measure leptin it’s like a thermostate
Let’s go a little bit further. You referred to the Lippestad, so say a little bit more about what we’ve learned about this Lippestad and what’s circulating factors might play a role in governing this and what’s been learned through some of the work that was done using para bio sis Speaker 1: I’m going to give you the simple version. There is a more complex version that is emerging but I’ll start with the simple version which is that it is a negative feedback system similar to your home thermostat, similar to the thermostat in your brain, in that the hypothalamus measures levels of a circulating hormone called leptin that circulates in proportion to your body fat mass. So the same way your home thermostat measures the