The Emotional Side of Productivity

Productivity is not just a function of time management; it’s deeply tied to emotional regulation. Feelings of fear, shame, or uncertainty often derail us from our goals. I’ve been co-working with JieYu for over a year, and the results are testament to the efficacy of using “body doubling” as a technique to regulate these emotions.

Transforming Solitude into Social Experience

When we engage in solitary work, the presence of a body double turns it into a social experience, making tasks less daunting. The phenomenon of social buffering kicks in, and suddenly, we find that we’re responding differently to potential distractions or challenges. This makes what used to be avoidable tasks suddenly more doable.

Adapt and Apply

Different tasks might necessitate different kinds of body doubles or even different modes of interaction with them. The technique is not a one-size-fits-all solution. You must identify your target activity and thoughtfully choose a co-working partner, considering the amount of effort and involvement required from both parties.

Why This Matters

My personal experience has proven that body doubling is not just another productivity hack; it’s a powerful strategy for consistent performance. Especially in areas prone to procrastination and emotional resistance. It’s a game-changer in the way we approach work, turning solitary tasks into social, engaging activities.


Body doubling is more than a simple productivity tool; it’s a method to understand and navigate the emotional complexities that often impede our performance. It transforms the nature of work and mitigates the inherent challenges of certain tasks.

Read more at: Hack Your Focus With Body Doubling

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