Sometimes boredom isn’t merely an absence of activity but a mental stalemate. The suggestion to keep walking until the day becomes interesting presents a simple yet transformative idea for pushing through that barrier.

Much like my personal favorite activity, walking, this rule taps into the intuitive understanding that physical motion can jumpstart mental motion. Whether it’s the rhythm of your steps, the changing scenery, or the subtle influences of nature, walking has a way of jostling loose the thoughts that felt so stuck when you were sitting at your desk.

This resonates particularly well with the notion that our bodies and minds are intricately connected. A lack of ideas or a feeling of being stuck might be symptomatic of a body that also feels stuck. So, the act of walking not only serves to change your physical location but also shifts your mental landscape.

Remember, next time you’re up against a mental wall, don’t just think your way out—walk your way out. It’s not about aimless wandering but about purposeful exploration, both of the world around you and the one within you. And based on my own love for walking, I can’t recommend this enough as a strategy to revitalize your day and your mind.

Read more at: My favourite rules & razors

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